Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Long Haired Hippy Freak

My son had long hair. So? I am amazed and, I'll admit it, annoyed by the number of people who have some comment about this.
"He looks like a girl."
"He has long hair." This particular comment is so painfully obvious it drives me nuts. Do I go around telling people "I'm breathing," or "You're stupid,"? No.
"Why is his hair so long?" Is easily answered. He was growing it for Locks of Love, where people grow their hair to at least ten inches in length, then donate it to make wigs for cancer patients. But why is there a need to question his hair length in the first place? My daughter has short hair, but no one ever feels compelled to mention it.
So, here are many men who have long hair (and who, I'm sure, very rarely get stupid comments about it).

Movie stars:


Rock stars:


Historical Figures: