I thought I'd try something new, and I can't sleep, so I've decided to try my hand at blogging.
This blog won't be about any one topic; I may write about anything: kids swimming in the toilet, my complete lack of cooking skills, or the time I nearly killed my husband with the garage door.
To begin with, let me just say thanks for taking the time to stop by and read this. About the kids swimming in the toilet: only one child ever tried this.
As I was sitting at the computer one day, being not-so-vigilant, my four-year-old came walking by. I noticed that one of her shirtsleeves was completely soaked, nearly up to the shoulder.
"How did your shirt get wet?"
"Where were you swimming?"
"In the toilet."
"How were you swimming in the toilet?"
At this point, she mimed "swimming" by swirling her arm around inside an imaginary toilet bowl, with a huge grin on her face. She was obviously very proud of her new-found skill. Kudos to her for working out how to make maximum use out of a minimum of water.
It was also discovered, upon further questioning, that she had put all of her tub toys into the toilet as well. The more the merrier, right?
This is the same child who would not sit down while taking a bath until age 3, because she hated being in the tub so much. One day in a burst of inspiration I got the absolutely brilliant idea to put a bit of blue coloring into the water and told her it was a swimming pool. This seemed to solve our problem; she loves pools, which you might think would seem more threatening than a tub, but whatever. What the hell was I thinking?
Honestly, when going over dos and don'ts with my kids, using the
toilet as a swimming pool never came up. It simply wasn't on the list.
So many things aren't, you know. Self-stick stamps, for instance, are not a suitable substitute for tape (although the project you made is lovely, honey). When I say to wash your hands with soap, I mean use water too. Pouring endless amounts of water onto the carpet inside your closet will
not create a swimming pool, only a migraine for Mommy.
And a new rule was created for me: no more cleaning tablets in the toilet tank that turn my water swimming-pool blue.